Mega Space Road Glide Audio Bracket


Made For: 2015 – 2022

Will Not Work With The New 2023 CVO Models


MEGA SPACE XL DIMENSIONS – L: 16.5″, W: 6.5″, H: 5″


Powder Coat: Black

Special notes and/or exclusions: All factory pods and vents go back in place. We’ve re-designed the pod mounts and radio tray to accept factory radio, half dins. Provides you with a lot of room and a giant amp rack.  You can choose to run vents or not. If u delete the vents u will get tons more room *Comes with 2 top headlight bolts*

  • Requires running the shark tooth headlight only!
    • If you choose to eliminates the pods and lower vents in the fairing. The vents will act as ports for better sound on the road. We will include mesh for the rear vent holes.
    • If you choose to remove the vents. You will need to block off the front vents! Dirty bird makes some that bolt right inn and are solid.
    • All of the factory windshield and top vent go back on
    • Installation: Simply remove your factory radio bracket and components and install ours in its place and you’re ready to roll. All you need to do is trim the 2 top inner headlight mounts to allow your headlight to bolt to your bracket.